صحيفة إلكترونية مغربية عامة

Planet of English is back


احصل على تحديثات في الوقت الفعلي مباشرة على جهازك ، اشترك الآن.

Planet of English Association is concerned with camps activities. It is one of the very active associations in Benguerir and it provides very extraordinary programmes of learning activities for campers.  The two last editions of the association’s camp programmes were really a great success

Planet of English Association is really honored to inform you that the Language Corner will be  inaugurated soon. We are so happy to have you join us in this dream which has finally come true due to the great, concerted and herculean efforts from a band of warriors. We are so happy to share with you this fruit of our valiant activists. We are responsibly indebted to Mr. The Governor of Rhamna for all his efforts to pave the ground for us to reach this goal which will surely have some positive effects on inhabitants. This will of course help us engage in more voluntary activities and events to benefit the entire city in what concerns the improvement of English language acquisition

This announcement is for those who are interested in having their kids benefit from our unique programmes which are completely different from those of traditional centers. Planet of English provides some of the best teachers who have got experience in camp activities and camp animation. Our association has established this unique experience of camps in Rhamna and this made it possible for organizing camps for kids, children and even adolescents to help them master the language through learning games, play-and-learn activities and fun and entertaining activities

After being inactive for two years dues to the spread of COVID19 we are back again with amazing ideas and an exceptionally wonderful camp programme. So, kids now are able to

Benefit from English lessons through play-and-learn activities

Benefit from weekend camps through entertaining activities to improve motor skills by engaging kids in theatre to help them use their bodies correctly especially for kids who suffer from body movement problems or those who are shy

Benefit from Term holidays’ camps through entertaining activities, provincial and regional discovery trips

Benefit from Spring Holiday Camp through entertaining activities and trips to other Moroccan cities

Benefit from Summer Camp through entertaining activities, discovery trips to other cities and fun activities like learning songs, learning stories, sports learning activities and more in a clear and tempting programme

Have a look at some of the unforgettable activities and experiences kids enjoy in our camps.

We therefore welcome everyone to join us in the Corner and get their kids involved in a learn-and-play programme

Lots of fun is waiting there for kids

Don’t miss this opportunity to let kids play, learn and grow the right way

We will be back to you soon this coming week

Thanks a bunch

احصل على تحديثات في الوقت الفعلي مباشرة على جهازك ، اشترك الآن.

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